Pulse Flours The Best Gluten Free Option – eTV Bharat
Pulse flours are gluten-free and contain much greater amounts of protein and fiber than cereal flour. They also have higher levels of micronutrients such as folate and iron which make them a great addition to our daily diet.ETV Bharat Sukhibhava spoke to Dr. Kruti S. Dhirwani, M.D. (Hom.), M.Sc. (DFSM), is a Consulting Homeopath and Clinical Nutritionist, Mumbai for some interesting insights on Pulse flours. eTV Bharat – Published on May 22, 2021, 5:04 PM IST
Are Millet Flours Healthy Supplements to Grains? – eTV Bharat
Millet belongs to the family of grains that forms a part of the “ancient grain” category. Though technically a seed, millet offers similar health benefits as grains and can be used in similar ways. ETV Bharat Sukhibhava spoke to Dr. Kruti S. Dhirwani, Clinical Nutritionist, Mumbai for some interesting insights on millet flours. eTV Bharat – Published on: May 20, 2021, 1:05 PM IST
Know your flour and its nutritional value – eTV Bharat
Roti and Chapatti may not be staples in many Indian houses, but different types of flours are used in almost every Indian house, be it for Roti, dosa, Thepla, Khakhra, or Thalipeeth. Let’s find out from our clinical nutritionist Dr. Kruti S. Dhirwani, what are the different types of flours and their nutritional values. eTV Bharat – Published on: May 15, 2021, 12:13 PM IST
Thandai: A Cool Nutritious Summer Drink – eTV Bharat
Be it Holi Shivrati or scorching summer heat, Indians enjoy their Thandai. A drink that dates back to 1000 B.C is known to pack nutritious value for people of all ages. Dr. Kruti S. Dhirwani, M.D Homeopathy and Clinical Nutritionist, explains us the ingredients of thandai and the science behind it. eTV Bharat – Published on: Mar 31, 2021, 3:10 PM IST
Technology, the boon and the bane, has been often criticized for corrupting and decaying the current generation. One often hears terms like ‘kids have become zombies with mobile phones and tablets.’ While this may be true to some extent, we have become very myopic with our definition of technology being often broadly limited to social media, games and the use of mobile phones and laptops. There are always 2 sides to every coin. Like it or not, technology is here to stay. There’s no wishing it away. In fact, it is moving at a far more rapid pace than we can keep up with. In such times, what is the…
Empower kids with Technology – Momspresso
Can we expose our kids to technology? Can they really learn something from a screen? Momspresso.com – Published on: August 05, 2020
This women’s day, let’s empower men! – Momspresso
Do men really need to be empowered any further? Momspresso.com – Published on: March 06, 2020
Nutritional requirement through different stages of a woman’s life – Momspresso
If you check the health of a woman, you check the health of a society. Momspresso.com – Published on: September 23, 2019