Post Views: 903 As the monsoon is on its way back, the season of festivals, celebrations and family gatherings is getting closer. The joys of festivals and family get-togethers are also filled with lots of wonderful treats and festival goodies to savour upon. It is easier to follow a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle in our day to day routine than during times of celebrations. Research shows that most adults gain a few kilograms during holidays and festivals. They may eventually lose 1-2 kilos but hold on to at least 1 kg each year. This slow and steady weight gain makes most adults overweight by middle age. So,…
Conception, Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Pregnancy, Mini-Adults, Mommies, Nutrition-mom
Post Views: 2,154 “If you check the health of a woman, you check the health of society.” -Rebecca Milner Women constitute 50% of the society and she raises the other 50%. She is the heart and soul of a family. She plays a prime role in nourishing and maintaining the health of the family. But while taking care of her loved ones, she often neglects her own health and nutritional requirements. A woman goes through different phases in her lifespan and each…
Common Challenges Post Pregnancy, Common Challenges-pregnancy, Common Challenges-kids, Common Challenges - Toddlers, Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Pregnancy, Nutrition Toddlers, Mini-Adults, Nutrition, Diet in Diseases, Nutrition-mom
Post Views: 996 We have grown up starting our day with a glass of milk. Our ancestors believed that consuming milk and milk products on a daily basis benefits our health in many ways. Milk and milk products are one of the main sources of calcium in our diet. Historically, dairy products were the predominant source of dietary calcium, accounting for 70% of calcium intake in the Indian diet. Today, however, dairy products account for a mere 40% of calcium intake, largely due to the popularity of dietary supplements and the declining intake of cow’s milk. Also, with increasing allergies and intolerances associated with milk and lactose (milk sugar), consumption…
Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Pregnancy, Nutrition Toddlers, Vitamins and Supplements, Nutrition-mom
Post Views: 1,133 In India, 70-80% of the general population suffers from Vitamin D deficiency. In spite of having abundant sunshine, India has a high percentage of Vitamin D deficiency amongst all age groups. Also known as the sunshine vitamin, it is the single most underrated nutrient in the world of nutrition and that’s probably because it’s available for FREE! Here are a few amazing facts on this valuable vitamin: Vitamin D is produced by our skin in response to exposure to the ultraviolet radiation (UV rays) from natural sunlight. These healing rays of natural sunlight (that produce vitamin D) cannot penetrate through glass. So, we cannot generate vitamin D…
10 QUICK, LIGHT BITES FOR MID-DAY HUNGER PANGS (just around 100 calories!)
Post Views: 1,032
Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Pregnancy, Nutrition, Nutrition-mom
Post Views: 1,303 We have moved on from low-fat to low-carb diets. Many fad diets are doing the trends, claiming sustainable weight loss with low carb and high fat or protein diet. How much of these are healthy and sustainable? Are carbohydrates (which we know to be the primary energy-givers) BAD? First, let us find out some facts about the most talked-about ‘Carbohydrates’ Carbohydrates are of 3 types: Simple Carbohydrates Complex Starchy Carbohydrates Complex Fibrous Carbohydrates Simple carbohydrates are found in foods that contain sucrose (table sugar), fructose (fruits) and lactose (milk). All simple carbs are not bad in fact, natural simple sugars found in fruits and low-fat milk are…
Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Pregnancy, Nutrition Toddlers, Nutrition, Diet in Diseases, Nutrition-mom
PROBIOTICS – Effects may be more than a gut feeling!
Post Views: 866 Almost all our health concerns can be traced back to our belly. Therefore, it is essential to ensure a healthy gut and the rest will take care of itself. The human gut is a natural habitat for a large number of dynamic bacterial community. The microflora or the bacteria present in our digestive system plays a vital role in processes of digestion and absorption of certain foods which otherwise our stomach and small intestine are unable to digest. It also plays an important role in building our immune system by performing a barrier effect. Healthy and balanced gut microflora is key to ensuring proper digestive functioning. DID…
Tiny Powerhouses for your Kids
Post Views: 1,447 TINY POWERHOUSES TO BOOST YOUR DIET EDIBLE SEEDS AND THEIR BENEFITS Tiny seeds have been used in India in savoury and festive sweet preparations since ancient times. They have been a part of our grandmother’s `secret recipes for years now. In the recent times, due to their high nutrient value, seeds are again finding their way into culinary preparations. They add flavour and crunch to everything, from biscuits to breakfast dishes, to desserts, yogurt and salads and your parathas too. They are full of proteins, healthy fats, dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals and more. Let’s see how these tiny powerhouses enhance our day to day dishes – HOW TO USE THEM AS PART…
Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Pregnancy, Nutrition Toddlers, Nutrition, Nutrition-mom, Skin and Hair care, Weight management
Post Views: 1,303 We have always considered bacteria as the invisible enemies of our bodies. The thought that bacteria can be beneficial for our bodies is difficult to understand. But the fact is, the wrong bacteria in the wrong place can lead to problems but the right bacteria in the right place can be extremely beneficial. These good bacteria team up with our bodies to improve our health. They are the gut bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal tract and help break down and digest food and build our immune system. These are the probiotics. What are probiotics? The word probiotics is derived from the Greek word ‘pro’ means promotes…
Post Views: 1,377 Do you feel tired often? Do you feel weak and lethargic? Do you suffer from recurrent mouth ulcers? Do you feel strange sensations in your hands and legs? If your answer to the questions above is affirmative, then you are probably suffering from the deficiency of a vital vitamin – VITAMIN B12. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in certain foods of animal origin. It is required for the human body to make red blood cells, nerves, DNA, and carry out certain essential functions in the body. Like most vitamins, B12 can’t be made by the body. It must be acquired from food or supplements.…