Post Views: 391 Am I producing enough milk? Is my baby getting sufficient quantity? How are some moms able to pump more? It is normal to worry about your milk supply when you start breastfeeding. You are not alone! Most mothers worry about how much milk they are making and whether their baby is getting enough to meet their growing needs. Almost all women can produce a healthy supply of breast milk for their babies. When a mother does have a low milk supply, it is more likely due to a poor latch or not breastfeeding frequently than an actual low milk supply issue. For the baby to get a…
Post Views: 1,230 The biggest anticipation for every new mom is feeding her just born baby. Most of us are aware that breastfeeding is the optimal way of feeding the infant. Yet many mothers choose not to breastfeed for various reasons, including embarrassment, lack of knowledge, belief that formula milk is the same as breast milk and myths about “ease” of formula milk over breastfeeding. Although breastfeeding is nature’s way of providing the infant with nutrition, it is a skill that takes time and practice. A lot of factors determine successful feeding like a good latch, holding position, attachment, etc. Here’s a complete guide to help you sail through this…
Post Views: 541 BREAST FEEDING – GOOD FOR BABY GOOD FOR MOM The choice to breast feed or formula feed the baby is purely a personal matter. You and your baby are unique, and the decision of breast feeding solely depends on you and your child. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) and the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (I.A.P.) strongly recommend exclusive breast feeding up to 6 months of age and then optimal complementary foods along with breast feeding up till 2 years of age. To breast feed or formula feed the child is one of the biggest decision an expectant or new mother will make. This overview on breast feeding…
Weaning your Baby
Post Views: 640 Just when you finally get comfortable with breastfeeding, it’s time to wean your little one. Here’s how to ensure the transition from your breast to a sippy-cup is a successful one. Perfect Timing Matters – “When to start weaning?” This is a question faced by all mothers. Ideally your baby should be exclusively breastfed for atleast 6 months, after which you can start feeding a combination of solids and breast milk until she’s a year old. The timing depends on whether you choose to wean your baby or your baby chose to wean off. Some children lose interest in nursing once they are introduced to solids by…
Diet during Breastfeeding
Post Views: 858 Breastfeeding doesn’t mean that you need to eat something special during this period. But it would be good to eat a healthy, nutritious diet, like everyone else. A healthy diet consists of: A fibre rich diet consisting of wholemeal bread, pasta, rice, pulses such as lentils, beans and sprouts and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Post pregnancy, some women develop bowel problems like constipation. Fibre helps in the easy evacuation of bowels. Starchy foods like pasta, potatoes, rice, wholemeal bread. Five portions of all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables per day and not more than 150 ml of 100% unsweetened juice. High intake of proteins like…
Myths and Facts about Breastfeeding
Post Views: 913 More than any other aspect of caring for and loving your baby, how you feed your baby seems to cause a great deal of concern in any women’s life. Everyone gives their advice based on their experience, although those may not be facts. Let’s break some common myths about breastfeeding and learn the correct facts – Myth: “Breastfeeding will make your breasts sag.” Fact: Breastfeeding doesn’t make your breasts sag, but pregnancy hormones can stretch the ligaments that support your breasts. Wearing a well-fitting bra while you’re pregnant will help you. Myth: “New moms don’t secrete enough milk.” Fact: Although women don’t produce milk for 3-5 days…