Common Challenges-pregnancy, Nutrition Pregnancy, Mommies, Nutrition-mom, Post-Pregnancy, First Trimester, Second Trimester, Third Trimester
Gastric complaints during Pregnancy – How to deal with them?
Post Views: 505 Gastric discomfort is one of the common concerns during pregnancy. Gastric problems can range from mild discomfort to painful cramps in the abdomen. These can be attributed to hormonal changes during pregnancy and diet. In addition, some women may already have gastrointestinal (GI) conditions that can deteriorate during pregnancy and may need specific attention. Why does pregnancy cause gastric discomfort? Nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, and constipation are common issues during pregnancy. Your body naturally creates more progesterone (a hormone that helps sustain pregnancy) when you are pregnant to help develop your unborn child. Unfortunately, these elevated hormone levels also relax all the muscles in your body,…
Combating nausea during pregnancy
Post Views: 526 Nausea during pregnancy, unlike the name morning sickness, occurs all through the day. Experts believe that morning sickness is due to the ever-increasing levels of oestrogen and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in early pregnancy. The only solace to suffering this queasy feeling is that nausea means your baby is doing well due to the high levels of pregnancy hormones. But that definitely does not mean that something is wrong with your baby when you don’t have nausea. Here’s what you can do to combat this lousy feeling – Happy and Healthy Eating: Nausea is usually due to low blood sugar and acidity. Eat small meals every 2-3…
Debunking Myths about Pregnancy
Post Views: 428 Pregnancy is the best phase in a woman’s life. She attracts all the attention from family, friends and relatives. There is growing concern from everyone for you and your unborn child. And everyone has something to offer in terms of advice and stories about personal experiences. Each one has a different version about the Do’s and Don’ts during pregnancy. However, though many of these might be true, many are just myths. So, let us find out the true and scientific meaning behind each of these “famous statements.” Pregnant mothers must eat for two. Since the requirements of the pregnant woman increase, she is supposed to eat…
Skin changes during Pregnancy
Post Views: 555 The glow that comes with pregnancy is not just a saying. It is said that people can tell you are pregnant just by looking at you. This is because your skin retains a lot of moisture during pregnancy. This leads to increased blood volume causing increased blood circulation to all parts of your body, including the face. Along with the glow, comes darker skin, red streaks, moles and skin tags! Due to the increased water retention, you end up looking puffy and may feel bloated. Any red patches that were already visible on your face may become more prominent. Do not worry, they will calm down eventually…