5 Easy Indian Foods for Weaning Babies
Post Views: 726 As your baby grows, weaning becomes an important aspect of their nutritional needs. Weaning babies can be daunting for new parents, but with the right information and guidance, it can be a seamless transition. This blog will discuss the importance of weaning for your baby’s growth and development. It will also outline when and how to begin weaning. Indian cuisine offers various nutritious options for introducing food to your little ones. We will introduce you to five easy Indian foods perfect for weaning babies and packed with essential nutrients. Why is weaning crucial for a baby’s growth? Introducing new tastes and textures is an essential part of…
Post Views: 1,143 The first year of the child is full of milestones. But the first year of baby’s life just passes by with sleepless nights, breastfeeding and changing nappies. As parents, we often miss the small developments our child achieves on a daily basis. Here are some lesser-known milestones during the first year of life: ONE MONTH: Produces tears now when crying. Moves head side to side while lying down. Loves black and white or high contrast colours. TWO MONTHS: Will play with his/her hands when sitting on the lap but will still flap hands when laid down. Smiles intentionally. Makes gurgling and cooing sounds. Follows faces and objects…