Constipation is a very common problem encountered amongst children of all age groups. 1 in every 20 visits to the doctor, is because of poor bowel movements.
Children’s bowel movements vary greatly; some may pass motions twice a day while others may go once in 2-3 days. Both are normal as far as they are following the normal pattern.
Some children may have more bowel movements than others which may also be normal. What is normal for 1 kid may be different for another.
As children start growing, their bowel movements may also change.
Here are a few things that will help you ease the discomfort of your child:
- Do not be in a hurry to give a laxative. This may resolve the problem temporarily but will slower the bowel movements further.
- Keep the child hydrated by giving lots of fluids throughout the day including water, coconut water, buttermilk, fresh fruit juices or lemonade. Avoid giving carbonated and fizzy drinks.
- Avoid foods that are high in sugar or salt or are highly processed like biscuits, cookies, frozen meals, chips, noodles, etc.
- Encourage your child to eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables. At least try to give 1 serving of vegetables in each meal, 1 serving of fruit in the morning and evening and 1 serving of nuts anytime during the day. This will take care of the required fiber content. Giving a banana and an apple (whole with skin) helps improve bowel movements.
- Research shows that drinking too much milk, or replacing your high fiber foods (vegetables, whole grains) with milk can be the cause of constipation in some children. So, limit the milk consumption to 1-2 servings per day. Instead, give them curds and buttermilk.
- Ghee serves as a laxative and is a healthy option for kids. Add 1-2 teaspoons of ghee to their food like chapati, rice, khichdi, vegetable, paratha, etc. You can also prepare sheera (a porridge made from wheat/ragi flour with ghee and jaggery) and give it to the kids. It’s a healthier option than giving them sugar-laden pastries, ice creams or cookies.
- Give foods which are rich in whole grains. Replace white bread, white pasta with whole wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta. Add whole legumes and pulses to their diet like dal, beans, chickpeas, Bengal gram, etc.
Remember, constipation is not a disease, it is a symptom of probably another medical problem. In most children, constipation does not last for a long time and is not harmful.
When you should see a doctor?
When your child has:
- less than 2 bowel movements a week.
- stools that are very hard and dry.
- stools that are difficult or painful to pass.
- If the child complains that he/she couldn’t pass all the stools.
- Having pain or bloating of the abdomen
- Having any other associated symptoms like fever or vomiting.