
This website, webpage, all it’s content, source code, images, information, videos, audio files and any other media are the sole intellectual property of Dr. Kruti Suraj Dhirwani, residing at Sion Circle, Sion West, Mumbai 400 022, Maharashtra, India.

The website has been developed by M/s TechnoMedix and is being maintained by M/s TechnoMedix on behalf of Dr. Kruti Suraj Dhirwani.


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TechnoMedix does, however, welcome your feedback regarding many areas of TechnoMedix’s existing products. If you want to send us your feedback, and we hope you do, we simply request that you send it to us using the form found at website, or you can choose from the many other listed areas for your feedback in application. Please provide only specific feedback on TechnoMedix’s existing products or marketing strategies; do not include any ideas that TechnoMedix’s policy will not permit it to accept or consider. It’s just one more way that TechnoMedix can learn how to best satisfy your needs.

Feedback and Information

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