As mothers, we make sure to give the most nutritious meals to our kids. But it’s the snack time that the kids look forward to and munch on something that’s delicious but unhealthy (high fat, high salt and high in preservatives).
So, the biggest quest for mothers today is to find a snack that is:
1. A treat to the taste buds
2. Provide necessary nutrients
3. Free from chemically laden preservatives.
4. Most importantly, they must come in an attractive packet!!!
Is it really possible to find a snack that has all of these???
I was surprised to find such a product by The Mumum Co. that said that is made of
- Natural fruit powder and cereals like jowar, ragi and rice
- Without preservatives
- No added sugar
- No Artificial Colour or Flavours
- No wheat
Packed in attractive packages too! The form factor
I couldn’t believe myself! These include sprinkles, melties and crunchies.
After reading all this, it was a given that this product had to be tried.
So, turn by turn each one of their options were tried. The melties are a product unlike any we have ever had. Especially the Banana Strawberry flavour. You can actually feel the pulp in your mouth. Now this may be a not-so-good thing for kids, but as a mother, I liked the product.
The crunchies are a MUCH BETTER alternative than the bright coloured chips packets your little one may ask for. Each one has it’s unique taste. The serving size is small, so even your toddler’s won’t choke on it. The quantity is sufficient, unlike some such packets which have more air, less food. If one person has the whole packet it is surely filling as a snack.
All-in-all, definitely worth a try and a very nutritious yet yummy alternative for the road trips or mid-day snacks on-the-go.
You can check them out at The Mumum Co.
You can buy the products online at Amazon, Firstcry and Bigbasket.
They have also been spotted at stores like Foodhall (where we first got it from), Apollo Pharmacy and Godrej’s Nature Basket, so far.
Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement. This review is an unbiased non-commercial expression of the author’s personal opinion based on the product consumed in August 2019. It has not been sponsored by any company. The author has no commercial affiliation with the aforementioned company or their platform. The author is not responsible for the quality of the product and its palatability.