

‘Menopause – That time when women get wiser to care a fig about everything and give men-a-pause.’

Menopause is not a disease -it’s a milestone in a women’s health – like puberty in reverse — in puberty, the hormones increase whereas at menopause they decrease. Basically, ovaries start ageing and the production of oestrogen start reducing gradually till a point when our ovaries no longer produce any oestrogen.
When is it that you experience menopause?

Menopause is different for every woman. You may notice signs such as menstrual irregularity, sometime in your 40s. But some women notice changes as early as their mid-30s.
Menopause occurs most commonly in Westernized countries at an average age of 51, with a typical range of 45 to 55 years of age. In some countries, such as in India and the Philippines, the average age of menopause is much lower, about 44 years old. The reason for this is unclear.
Like every natural event in life and nature, menopause doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a gradual process – a sequence of small changes that together move you towards a new phase in your life.

There are 3 stages
Premenopause: during this phase, there is little disruption of ovarian function and the menstrual cycle remains regular. Some symptoms may begin to occur in this phase.

Perimenopause: represents declining ovarian function with menstrual irregularities and symptoms commonly start or become troublesome during this time. Perimenopause usually lasts from 3-5 years. During this period the estrogen levels in a women’s body begin to drop.
This is the phase when a woman experiences the maximum of her symptoms.
• Menstrual irregularities
• Hot flashes – A sudden feeling of heat in the upper body. It may start in the face, neck or chest, and then spreads upwards or downwards. The heart rate may suddenly increase, or it may become irregular or stronger than usual.

• Low fertility.
• Vaginal dryness- This may be accompanied by itching and/or discomfort. It tends to happen during the peri-menopause. Some women may experience dyspareunia (pain during sex). The majority of post-menopausal women are uncomfortable talking about vaginal dryness and pain and are reluctant to seek medical help. It can be easily treated with help. So please seek help. Talk to your doctor or gynaecologist.
• Fatigue/Weakness
• Mood swings
• Back pain
• Difficulty in falling asleep
• Urinary problems- Women tend to be more susceptible to urinary tract infections, such as cystitis. Having to urinate may also occur more frequently.
• Difficulty in focussing and remembering – some women experience short term memory loss.
• fat building up in the abdomen.
• Hair loss (thinning hair).
• Loss of breast size.

Postmenopause: When there have been no menses for 12 months, the post-menopause phase is entered.
The main complications start after one has achieved menopause.
Till you were menstruating, you were safe. Yes, our hormones are a blessing, they are our protection shield. It protects us from heart diseases, high blood pressure and osteoporosis (weak bones).

Menopause makes you feel as if your body is not under your control. But a few changes in the lifestyle and with some help you may relieve your troubles.

• Wear loose, cotton, comfortable clothes to ease hot flushes. Do not wear tight clothing.
• Keep your bedroom cool.
• Keep your body hydrated by having a variety of fluids including water, Coconut water, Fresh fruit juices, lemonades, etc.
• Avoid spicy food, coffee and other things that can increase heat in your body.
List of foods that can help you have a natural menopause:
i. Soya. Eat a variety of soya foods like soya milk, tofu, miso, etc.
ii. Legumes – All legumes including soya, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans are a part of natural menopause diet.
iii. Oily fish- Mackerel, Sardines, Salmon, Tuna and Herrings.
iv. Brightly coloured fruits and Vegetables – Add a variety of foods in your diet.
v. Nuts – Almonds, Walnuts, Cashew nuts, Pistachios, Hazelnuts, Brazil nuts are rich in omega fatty acids and antioxidants including Vitamin E.
vi. Seeds – These little powerhouses help balance your hormones. Have sesame seeds, watermelon, Pumpkin, Sunflower, chia seeds to your diet. (See how they are helpful to you body, read here)
vii. Herbal tea – Teas made with herbs like tulsi, lemongrass, mint, sage, helps improve mineral absorption like that of calcium and magnesium and thereby improves bone health.

• Exercise regularly. Chose any form of exercise that you like; walking, yoga, aerobics, swimming, etc.
• Try to form a sleep schedule by going to bed at the same time every night and try to wake up at the same time every morning.
• Try meditation and yoga to reduce stress levels.
• To avoid dryness of skin, use a moisturiser that suits your skin type or massage daily with olive oil or almond oil. Dryness of skin causes loss in elasticity and thus result in wrinkles and ageing. Massaging with oil helps retain elasticity.
Also, dry skin is easily affected by the UV rays. Wear a sunscreen lotion before going out in the sun and use an umbrella or a hat.
Most important thing is, once you start experiencing the signs and symptoms of menopause, discuss it with your family members especially your spouse and children. They should be made aware of the change in your life and their support is very essential to help you pass this phase with ease.

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