• Common Challenges-pregnancy,  First Trimester,  Mommies,  Nutrition Pregnancy,  Nutrition-mom,  Post-Pregnancy,  Second Trimester,  Third Trimester

    Gastric complaints during Pregnancy – How to deal with them?

    Gastric discomfort is one of the common concerns during pregnancy. Gastric problems can range from mild discomfort to painful cramps in the abdomen. These can be attributed to hormonal changes during pregnancy and diet. In addition, some women may already have gastrointestinal (GI) conditions that can deteriorate during pregnancy and may need specific attention. Why does pregnancy cause gastric discomfort? Nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, and constipation are common issues during pregnancy.  Your body naturally creates more progesterone (a hormone that helps sustain pregnancy) when you are pregnant to help develop your unborn child. Unfortunately, these elevated hormone levels also relax all the muscles in your body, including the intestinal…

  • Common Challenges-kids,  Common challenges-Preteen,  Common Challenges-Teenagers


    Schools across India have canceled in-person schooling since March 2020 to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Going back to school after a hiatus of 18 months has taken a new meaning and added a new set of worries for the parents. After being confined in the safety of the house for 18 long months, parents have a tough call to make of sending their children back to school. As parents, the first question that crosses our minds is: To send or not to send children to school this year? The straight answer is yes. Wherever schools are open, children should rejoin. The closure of offline schools has impacted…

  • Vitamins and Supplements


    Poshan Maah (Nutrition Month) is celebrated in India in the month of September. As part of celebrating nutrition month and spreading the awareness of holistic nutrition, detailed and in-depth information on the necessary micronutrients was covered throughout the month (September 2021). The list of vitamins and minerals below can give an understanding of how these micronutrients work in your body. The daily requirement and the food sources of each nutrient have been mentioned. The recommended dietary intake as per the guidelines of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has also been given. Click on a nutrient below and find out detailed information on each one of them: Vitamin A…

  • Vitamins and Supplements


    Omega-6 or linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). Linoleic acid (LA) is an essential fatty acid needed to carry various functions in the body.  What is the role of omega-6 fatty acid in our body? Omega-6 fatty acids help with the function of all cells in the body.  It plays a crucial role in: – brain function – normal growth and development – skin and hair growth – maintaining bone health – regulating metabolism – maintaining the reproductive system. What are the food sources of Omega-6 fatty acids? Omega-6 fatty acid or linoleic acid is found in: – Whole egg – Brazil nuts – Hemp seeds – Sunflower…

  • Vitamins and Supplements


    The human body can make most of the types of fats it needs from other fats. 2 essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the human body – omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Since the body is unable to make them, they must be procured from the food we eat. Why is Omega 3 essential for the body? Omega 3 fatty acids are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body. They affect the function of the cell receptors in the membranes.Omega 3 FA provides the starting point for making hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation. They also bind to receptors in…

  • Vitamins and Supplements


    Riboflavin (vitamin B2), a water-soluble vitamin, was discovered in milk. The name ‘riboflavin’ was given to this vitamin in view of the similarity of a part of its structure to that of the sugar ribose. Most riboflavin is used immediately and not stored in the body, so excess amounts are excreted in the urine. Why is vitamin B2 essential for the human body? Riboflavin is a key component of coenzymes involved with the growth of cells, energy production, and the breakdown of fats, steroids, and medications. It is essential for several oxidation processes inside the cell. It is also concerned with energy and protein metabolism. What is the recommended daily…

  • Vitamins and Supplements


    Magnesium ranks fourth in overall abundance in the body among the cations. An adult body contains 25 gms of this mineral of which 55-60% is in the skeleton. Another 20-25% is found in muscles with remaining in soft tissues. What is the role of Magnesium in the body? Magnesium plays an important role in assisting more than 300 enzymes to carry out various chemical reactions in the body. It helps in functions such as: –      building proteins –      building strong bones –      regulating blood sugar –      regulating blood pressure –      nerve and muscle Magnesium also helps in the contraction muscles and for a steady heartbeat. What is the daily requirement…

  • Vitamins and Supplements


    Thousands of years ago, when man roamed the earth gathering and hunting, potassium was abundant in the diet, while sodium was scarce. The so-called Paleolithic diet provided about 16 times more potassium than sodium. Today, most Indians barely get half of the recommended amount of potassium in their diets.  The increase in sodium to potassium ratio is due to the majority of salt hidden in processed or fast foods. Most of these foods are poor sources of potassium. This imbalance, which conflicts with human evolution, is thought to be a major contributor to high blood pressure and has affected more than 1/4th of the population globally. What is the role…

  • Vitamins and Supplements


    Sodium is one of the three macro-minerals present in the human body. Sodium, potassium, and chloride together are known as electrolytes that are essential for maintaining the water balance in the body. What is the role of sodium in the body? Sodium (Na) is an important constituent of the fluid present outside and inside the cell. Proper concentration of sodium is necessary to maintain osmotic balance and keep the cell in proper shape. Maintains blood volume: The total amount of sodium in the body affects the amount of fluid in the blood (blood volume) and around the cells. Transport: Sodium helps in the transport of glucose and amino acids in the…