Storytelling has many forms, from books, poems, comics, puppet-shows, stage performances, musicals – and how can we ever forget – Cinema! As had been mentioned in this Digital Detox – our kids are definitely going to be exposed to ‘screens’. There is no avoiding that, so why not make it useful, productive and as educative and entertaining as possible. One such activity is Family Movie Time. Movie time can serve as a great way to bond with family. Nothing beats huddling up with kids and spouse and watching your favourite movie with some popcorn to munch on. Watching a movie is more than what meets the eye, you laugh together,…
As mothers, we make sure to give the most nutritious meals to our kids. But it’s the snack time that the kids look forward to and munch on something that’s delicious but unhealthy (high fat, high salt and high in preservatives). So, the biggest quest for mothers today is to find a snack that is: 1. A treat to the taste buds 2. Provide necessary nutrients 3. Free from chemically laden preservatives. 4. Most importantly, they must come in an attractive packet!!! Is it really possible to find a snack that has all of these??? I was surprised to find such a product by The Mumum Co. that said that…
Got a child that will happily have nothing but Milk and biscuits for a week? Worried about his nutritional status? Here are some signs your salad dodger is doing fine and a few tips for coping with fussy eaters. Mealtimes are the best moments to have an uninterrupted and peaceful time with children. But most often than not, meal times don’t turn out as planned, one day its clean plates and angel faces while other days are full of tantrums and half-filled tummies. Fussy eating is normal. Whether it’s an aversion to food that’s green or a vegetable that needs chewing or hatred for fruits in general. It’s normal for…
Is there a right age for having a baby?
Well, most experts say any age is the right age for starting a family. How far is this true? While 20’s seems to be a perfect age for getting pregnant as you are at the peak of physical fitness, maturity and patience are more in your 30’s and 40’s assures more financial stability. Yes, getting pregnant at any age comes with its pluses and minuses. In today’s era where late marriage is a trend, achieving career heights and financial stability is a priority, family planning has surely taken a back seat especially in urban areas. For some couple’s family planning happens only after assuring enough financial security for the baby,…
Water Chestnuts (popularly known as Shingada or Singhara in India), are aquatic tuber plants. They are widely cultivated in India, China, some parts of Africa, Australia and the Pacific Islands. It resembles an actual ‘chestnut’, both in colour and shape but it is not a nut! It is an aquatic fruit that grows underwater, in ponds, lakes and marshes. In India, they are available in green and red colour or a mixture of these 2 colours. The black ones sold by the roadside vendors are boiled variety. These are widely available during the autumn and winter months. The edible part is a large seed that is surrounded by an odd-looking…
Oil is the most common ingredient found on kitchen tops and in our diet. The supermarkets are flooded with different types of oils. Each offering something new, something different, something healthy. There is huge confusion when it comes to buying cooking oil. Each of them has something more to offer, each brand sporting all types of jargon on the package, refined/filtered N-3, N-3 / N-6 ratio, enriched with oryzanol/omega 3 fatty acid, rich in Polyunsaturated (PUFA) / Monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids. It is the need of the hour to clarify the health benefits of different oils and debunk the idioms for everyone. Oils and fats are related to certain terminologies…
Common Challenges - Toddlers, Common Challenges-kids, Kids, Toddler, What to Expect-Kids, What to Expect-todd
Temper tantrums are a normal part of growing up in kids. Each and every parent faces this while going shopping or sitting in a restaurant when suddenly your little one has an emotional meltdown and you are the center of a gale-forced temper tantrum. So, why exactly do kids throw tantrums? Is there a scientific reason? The answer is Yes. It is normal for a toddler to have temper tantrums between age of 1 year and 3.5 years. Our human brain has a part called as the prefrontal cortex (PFC) which is situated right behind our eyebrows. The PFC regulates emotions and controls social behaviour in us. Now this is…
Common Challenges - Toddlers, Common Challenges -Infant, Common Challenges Post Pregnancy, Common Challenges-kids, Mini-Adults
Taking care of your teeth is as much a part of growing up as learning to recite the alphabets or memorize the multiplication tables. But is it as easy as A-B-C.? When it comes to our teeth, most of us still have a thing or two to learn. Let’s glance through some hygiene facts for our ivories which we may have been unknown to us even after so many years: YOUR TEETH’S 1ST LINE OF DEFENCE IS YOUR SALIVA. Saliva is nature’s disinfecting cavity fighter. It consists of water and mucus among other things, but mucus plays an important role. It consists of enzymes that can break down the many…
Common Challenges-kids, Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition-mom
We all overeat from time to time. One often ends up eating an unhealthy snack or binging too much over a pack of chips or a box of cookies. Leaving you with lots of unwanted calories and a hint of guilt later. What goes wrong? Why do we sometimes overeat? The strongest of food cravings hit us when we are at our weakest emotionally. We turn to food for comfort – consciously or unconsciously – when we are stressed, angry, bored or tired. Emotional eating can sabotage your health and affect your weight loss efforts. It often leads to eating too much high -calorie sweets, and fatty foods. So, next…
The biggest anticipation for every new mom is feeding her just born baby. Most of us are aware that breastfeeding is the optimal way of feeding the infant. Yet many mothers choose not to breastfeed for various reasons, including embarrassment, lack of knowledge, belief that formula milk is the same as breast milk and myths about “ease” of formula milk over breastfeeding. Although breastfeeding is nature’s way of providing the infant with nutrition, it is a skill that takes time and practice. A lot of factors determine successful feeding like a good latch, holding position, attachment, etc. Here’s a complete guide to help you sail through this journey of breastfeeding.…