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Skin changes during Pregnancy

The glow that comes with pregnancy is not just a saying. It is said that people can tell you are pregnant just by looking at you. This is because your skin retains a lot of moisture during pregnancy. This leads to increased blood volume causing increased blood circulation to all parts of your body, including the face.

Along with the glow, comes darker skin, red streaks, moles and skin tags! Due to the increased water retention, you end up looking puffy and may feel bloated. Any red patches that were already visible on your face may become more prominent. Do not worry, they will calm down eventually once you give birth to your little one.

The pregnancy radiance that makes you glow is mainly because of the increased levels of progesterone and the increased blood circulating in your body. Due to this, you may feel slightly warmer and flushed.

Let’s talk more about the different skin changes seen during pregnancy –

Skin Darkening –

Darkening of skin during pregnancy occurs very commonly around your navel, chest, armpits and inner thighs. This symptom affects more than 90% of moms-to-be. SPF cover up may help you reduce the skin darkening to some extent. Sometimes a folic acid supplement can also help with the skin darkening.

Chloasma –

Chloasma, is known as “the mask of pregnancy,” – another pregnancy symptom which women deal with. Many women develop darkened skin around the cheeks, eyes and nose during pregnancy. While this skin change disappears within 3 months of pregnancy for some women, for others it remains even post pregnancy. To avoid and prevent chloasma, it’s best to use a sunscreen when you are outdoors and cover yourself using a hat and a full sleeved dress.

Skin Tags –

Skin tags are small, flesh-coloured, soft growths. This excessive skin growth appears on skin surfaces that are moist or frequently rubbed. Though these growths are annoying and numerous, they are completely benign. Due to excess hormone growth, skin tags cannot be prevented. But post-delivery, you can do a quick procedure to remove them.

Mole Changes –

Any mole on your body can get darker and larger during pregnancy, especially on your breasts and belly. Any change in the colour, size or shape of the mole must be looked at by a dermatologist. This usually settles post pregnancy.

Acne –

Some women experience breakouts as if they have hit puberty again during pregnancy. Due to the excess hormones in your body, your sebaceous glands secrete more sebum making pimples and acne to appear. Wash your face twice regularly and increase your fluid intake.

Varicose Veins –

Varicose veins are think, bluish, engorged veins that appear on legs during pregnancy. This is because your body is compensating for the extra blood flowing through your body. A strong family history makes you more prone to develop varicose veins. Avoid standing for long hours to avoid getting varicose veins. Walk as much as you can to maintain the blood circulation throughout your body. Vitamin C is known to help veins stay healthy and flexible.

Stretch Marks –

Stretch marks are one of the most common and popular symptoms of pregnancy which you may have heard about. Sudden and fast skin growth leads to development of stretch marks which is why women tend to develop stretch marks on their bellies and breasts during pregnancy. The stretch marks are often reddish or purple initially, but after pregnancy they tend to fade away. Applying vitamin E enriched oils, coconut oil, shea or cocoa butter can help you prevent stretch marks.