Post Views: 389 Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in the human body. It represents 52% of the body’s total mineral content and amounts to 1,2% of the total body weight. Nearly 99% of the total calcium is found in the skeleton. The remaining 1% is equally distributed in the teeth, soft tissues, and extracellular fluid. Calcium is found in some foods, present in some medicines (such as antacids), and available as a dietary supplement. Why is calcium essential for the human body? Calcium is most often associated with healthy bones and teeth, although it also plays a vital role in blood clotting, regulating the heart rhythm, aiding muscles…
Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Pregnancy, Nutrition Toddlers, Vitamins and Supplements, Nutrition-mom
Post Views: 1,133 In India, 70-80% of the general population suffers from Vitamin D deficiency. In spite of having abundant sunshine, India has a high percentage of Vitamin D deficiency amongst all age groups. Also known as the sunshine vitamin, it is the single most underrated nutrient in the world of nutrition and that’s probably because it’s available for FREE! Here are a few amazing facts on this valuable vitamin: Vitamin D is produced by our skin in response to exposure to the ultraviolet radiation (UV rays) from natural sunlight. These healing rays of natural sunlight (that produce vitamin D) cannot penetrate through glass. So, we cannot generate vitamin D…