Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Pregnancy, Nutrition Toddlers, Nutrition, Weight Management, Nutrition-mom, Weight management
Sorghum (Jowar): Health Benefits Explained
Post Views: 712 Sorghum, or Jowar, is the world’s fifth major cereal crop in terms of production after rice, wheat, maize, and barley. It is also known as Indian millet, durra, milo, great millet, shallu, etc. Sorghum originated in Africa, where it is a major food crop and has numerous varieties, including grain sorghums, broomcorn, etc. In West Africa, it is known as Guinea corn. In India, sorghum is known by many names like jowar, cholam, or jonna. The jowar grains are used mainly for food in India, while the stover after harvest of grains is used as nutritious fodder for animals. Sorghum is used worldwide in food applications, including…
Post Views: 903 As the monsoon is on its way back, the season of festivals, celebrations and family gatherings is getting closer. The joys of festivals and family get-togethers are also filled with lots of wonderful treats and festival goodies to savour upon. It is easier to follow a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle in our day to day routine than during times of celebrations. Research shows that most adults gain a few kilograms during holidays and festivals. They may eventually lose 1-2 kilos but hold on to at least 1 kg each year. This slow and steady weight gain makes most adults overweight by middle age. So,…
Post Views: 838 Babies as early as 8-9 months of age start showing signs for being independent. And this is seen by their desire to eat on their own. At first, they may just rake food in their hands and bring it to their mouth but eventually, they learn to use their thumb and index finger (pincer grip) to pick up food. This is a very important milestone, as the child takes his first step towards independence by developing his fine motor skills and coordination. Encourage your child through this stage by helping him feed himself. To make the eating process less messy and to make it an enjoyable hands-on…
Post Views: 403 If you and your partner are planning to conceive, there are a list of things you can do to ensure a safe, normal and healthy baby. You and your partner should start planning at least 3 months before getting pregnant. Baby’s development can be easily affected in the first few weeks of pregnancy before you might even know that you are pregnant. Hence, a bit of planning helps and ensures normal growth and development of the baby. Here are few things to quicken your chances of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy. STOP THE PILL If you are on any of the contraceptive pills, you need to stop…
Combating nausea during pregnancy
Post Views: 526 Nausea during pregnancy, unlike the name morning sickness, occurs all through the day. Experts believe that morning sickness is due to the ever-increasing levels of oestrogen and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in early pregnancy. The only solace to suffering this queasy feeling is that nausea means your baby is doing well due to the high levels of pregnancy hormones. But that definitely does not mean that something is wrong with your baby when you don’t have nausea. Here’s what you can do to combat this lousy feeling – Happy and Healthy Eating: Nausea is usually due to low blood sugar and acidity. Eat small meals every 2-3…
Tiny Powerhouses for your Kids
Post Views: 1,447 TINY POWERHOUSES TO BOOST YOUR DIET EDIBLE SEEDS AND THEIR BENEFITS Tiny seeds have been used in India in savoury and festive sweet preparations since ancient times. They have been a part of our grandmother’s `secret recipes for years now. In the recent times, due to their high nutrient value, seeds are again finding their way into culinary preparations. They add flavour and crunch to everything, from biscuits to breakfast dishes, to desserts, yogurt and salads and your parathas too. They are full of proteins, healthy fats, dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals and more. Let’s see how these tiny powerhouses enhance our day to day dishes – HOW TO USE THEM AS PART…
Post Views: 756 As mothers, we make sure to give the most nutritious meals to our kids. But it’s the snack time that the kids look forward to and munch on something that’s delicious but unhealthy (high fat, high salt and high in preservatives). So, the biggest quest for mothers today is to find a snack that is: 1. A treat to the taste buds 2. Provide necessary nutrients 3. Free from chemically laden preservatives. 4. Most importantly, they must come in an attractive packet!!! Is it really possible to find a snack that has all of these??? I was surprised to find such a product by The Mumum Co.…
Post Views: 1,114
Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Pregnancy, Nutrition-mom, Weight management
Sprouted Moong Salad
Post Views: 656 Sprouted Moong Salad This recipe is colourful and refreshing while nourishing your child with loads of protein and calcium. It can be served as a salad along with lunch or as an evening snack for your kids. Ingredients: 1 ½ cup sprouted moong 1 cup tomatoes chopped 1 cup cucumber chopped 1 orange, separated into slices 1 tablespoon coriander (hara dhania) chopped 1 seeded green chili (optional) chopped To be added as topping: 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon salt, adjust to taste 1 teaspoon ground roasted cumin seed (jeera) 1 tablespoon lemon juice, adjust to taste 2 tablespoons yogurt (optional) 1 tablespoon ginger juice 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon…