Post Views: 1,428 Poshan Maah (Nutrition Month) is celebrated in India in the month of September. As part of celebrating nutrition month and spreading the awareness of holistic nutrition, detailed and in-depth information on the necessary micronutrients was covered throughout the month (September 2021). The list of vitamins and minerals below can give an understanding of how these micronutrients work in your body. The daily requirement and the food sources of each nutrient have been mentioned. The recommended dietary intake as per the guidelines of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has also been given. Click on a nutrient below and find out detailed information on each one of…
Post Views: 1,307 Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 is one of the water-soluble B complex vitamins. The body cannot store vitamin B6, excess of the vitamin is excreted in the urine. Hence, it is necessary to supplement this vitamin daily to avoid deficiency. Why is Vitamin B6 essential to the human body? Vitamin B6 is beneficial to the central nervous system and for metabolism. It has a notable role in the production of the neurotransmitters – serotonin and dopamine. Vitamin B6 is involved in several functions in the body that helps with: Brain function Pyridoxine aids in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and regulates energy use in the brain. It is needed…