Can something as mundane as walking be of large importance to our health? The answer is yes, definitely YES!
Walking doesn’t get the respect it deserves, neither for its health benefits nor for its value for transportation, or its role in recreation. It is the most overlooked form of exercise.
Walking is the most universal form of physical activity that is appropriate for everyone regardless of gender, age, ethnic group, education, or income level. It does not require expensive equipment, special skill, or special facilities. It can be done indoors (e.g., mall walking or treadmill walking) and outdoors.
Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier.
Benefits of Walking:
There are numerous benefits of walking, a few are listed below:
- Lose weight
- Healthy heart
- Reduces Stress
- Improve Mood
- Increase metabolism
- Increased energy
- Decrease chance of injury
- Reduce risk of high blood pressure
- Strengthens bones and joints
- Increases Self-esteem
- Tones Muscles
- Low Impact
Walking as a part of your daily life:
For those who find it hard to make time for walking in their busy schedule can make walking a part of your everyday routine. And here is how you can do that:
- Walk to work and to the store.
- If your workplace is far from home, try walking to the station instead of driving or using other modes of transport.
- You can get down a few blocks away from your office and walk the last stretch.
- Try parking your car a few blocks away from your destination and walk the remaining distance.
- Try taking a walk during lunchtime instead of spending the entire time in the cafeteria.
Walking does not require any special equipment. A pair of supportive shoes in your feet and the willingness in your heart is all you need for your commute or lunchtime stroll.
Whether you walk in a business suit or a sweatshirt, on the city streets or parks, in a mall or a treadmill, it’s still the same left, right, left for health.
For every walk you take is a step towards good health.
When you choose walking for walking’s sake, it shows you are giving exercise the priority it deserves. It helps you get away from the demanding routines of daily life, a great positive for mental health.
Good shoes are an essential part of walking.
- Fit and comfort are more important than style; your shoes should feel supportive but not snug or constricting.
- Look for shoes with a padded tongue and heel pad.
- The upper layer should be light, breathable, and flexible, the insole should be moisture-resistant and the sole shock-absorbent.
- The heel wedge should be raised, the sole at the back of the shoe should be two times thicker than at the front.
- Finally, the toe box should be roomy, even when you’re wearing sport socks.
By changing into walking shoes, you’ll be able to build up to a pace that’s difficult to achieve on the way to work.
So, what’s a good pace of walking to burn calories?
How many calories do we burn when we walk for 30 mins?
According to research done at The Harvard Medical School, a person weighing 55kg can lose upto 150 Kcal by walking 30 minutes a day.
When walking at a pace of 7km/hour |
Weight in kg | 55 | 70 | 85 |
Calories Burnt | 150 | 185 | 222 |
Can people of all ages walk at a pace of 7km/hour?
What should be our pace of walking according to our age?
Pace of walking as per your age |
Age 40 and below | 1 km in less than 8 mins |
Age 40 -45 | 1 km in 8.5 to 9 mins |
Age 50 to 55 | 1 km in 9.5 to 10 mins |
Age 60 and above | 1km in 11 mins |
The best thing about walking is that you don’t need special skill or training lessons. The essence is to walk naturally and comfortably. But if you want to aim for an ideal stride, a few tips may help:
- Keep your posture erect with your chin up, eyes forward, and shoulders square.
- Your back should be straight, belly flat and butt tucked in.
- Keep your arms close to your body, bent at the elbow. Take a natural stride, but try to lengthen your stride as you progress.
- Land on your heels, and then roll forward to push off with your toes. Swing your arms with each stride, and keep up a steady, rhythmic cadence.
To stay motivated, walk with a friend or listen to your favourite music.
For some people, the best motivation is a dog — studies have shown that owning pets is good for health and walking the dog is a major reason for this benefit.