Common Challenges -Infant, Common Challenges Post Pregnancy, Common Challenges-kids, Common Challenges - Toddlers, Mini-Adults
Post Views: 1,189 Taking care of your teeth is as much a part of growing up as learning to recite the alphabets or memorize the multiplication tables. But is it as easy as A-B-C.? When it comes to our teeth, most of us still have a thing or two to learn. Let’s glance through some hygiene facts for our ivories which we may have been unknown to us even after so many years: YOUR TEETH’S 1ST LINE OF DEFENCE IS YOUR SALIVA. Saliva is nature’s disinfecting cavity fighter. It consists of water and mucus among other things, but mucus plays an important role. It consists of enzymes that can break…
Common Challenges-kids, Common Challenges - Toddlers, Toilet Training-todd, What to Expect-Kids, What to Expect-todd
Post Views: 735 All children start life being unable to control their urine both by day and night and, as neurological maturation occurs, voluntary control of the bladder is gained first by day and then by night. Very few never gain control of the bladder unless there is an obvious neurological disease, including gross mental handicap. In most cases, bed wetting in children should be seen not as a disease but as a variation of the normal rate of neurological maturation. There are many children who continue to wet the bed past the age of six years. Statistics show that, in India, 7 – 16% of children (aged 5 to…
A spot. A spot. Another spot. Oh! It’s Chicken pox!
Post Views: 1,308 As heat strikes the city, eruptive fevers among children are on a rise. The most common and the most contagious among these is the Chicken pox. Chicken pox usually occurs in the summer months between February to April. The disease is named so because the eruptions resemble the peck marks of that of a chicken. It is one of the most contagious disease and is caused by the Varicella zoster virus. Each child is affected by it by the age of 15 years, but it peaks at 5-9 years of age. Nonetheless, it can affect at any age including new born. Once affected by chicken pox, it…