We all overeat from time to time. One often ends up eating an unhealthy snack or binging too much over a pack of chips or a box of cookies. Leaving you with lots of unwanted calories and a hint of guilt later. What goes wrong? Why do we sometimes overeat?
The strongest of food cravings hit us when we are at our weakest emotionally. We turn to food for comfort – consciously or unconsciously – when we are stressed, angry, bored or tired.
Emotional eating can sabotage your health and affect your weight loss efforts. It often leads to eating too much high -calorie sweets, and fatty foods.
So, next time when you feel like bingeing H.A.L.T.
Ask yourself, what’s really going on?
HUNGRY – Your stomach is empty and blood sugars are low, so your body sends urgent signals to hurry up and find food!
Portion out a balanced eat, eat slowly, spend 20 minutes drinking a herbal or green tea and relax yourself. Then reassess your hunger and respond appropriately.
ANGRY – Anger, stress and frustration trigger your instincts for aggression. With no foe to fight, your brain seeks to conquer (large quantities) of food and get a chemical release.
Gear up and get out! A quick run or workout or a walk is a much better outlet of aggression than overeating. Other alternatives: Dancing, listening to music, singing, ranting to a friend or taking a shower.
LONELY – Loneliness and disappointment are real. But even comfort food isn’t a good substitute for companionship. Bingeing will make you feel even more isolated.
Call or text a friend and remind yourself of the people who care. If you really want to be alone, curl up with a book, a distracting movie or a TV show.
TIRED – When you’re sleep-deprived, the chemicals that regulate appetite get imbalanced and your body may try to compensate for a lack of energy by craving for plenty of quick sugars.
It sounds obvious, but the best way to address this feeling is to go to sleep! There is really no hour that’s too early to go to bed if your body needs rest. You can plan to get up early and finish your obligations when you are rested and focused.