Who doesn’t like cookies? We all love cookies. It is a favourite munchie from children to grannies. One just cannot resist eating a cookie.
It is one food item which is universal, from birthday parties to kitty parties to corporate meetings.
But we all know that cookies or rather any bakery products are considered ‘unhealthy’ due to the high sugar contents and the presence of trans fats (a type of hydrogenated vegetable oil which increases bad cholesterol i.e. LDL and reduces the good cholesterol i.e. HDL).
Well, with the new cookies in the market, there is one less thing to worry about. Yes, the new Amul cookies are free of the trans fatty acids. India’s old and one of the most trusted milk brand has come with a new range of bakery products, including milk toasts and cookies available in 3 flavours.
The cookies are buttery soft and extremely delicious. They do not contain any hydrogenated vegetable oil which is rich in trans fatty acids. Instead, it contains either milk solids, butter or coconut solids. So, you can have one and not feel guilty about it.
So, if you haven’t tried the new Amul cookies yet, then you must definitely try one. One does not often associate the brand ‘Amul’ with such bakery products, biscuits and cookies. But, these are a MUST TRY once at least, if nothing, to feel the difference!