Mini-Adults, Kids, Pre-Teens, Tech Corner-kids, Tech Corner-preteen, Tech Corner-teens, Tech-Corner-todd, Teens, Toddler
Post Views: 677 With the second wave encompassing our lives, the pandemic seems far from over. This has caused a jump in our daily screen time as social distancing limits our ability to physically interact and connect with people. For many parents, screen time is a touchy subject even in the best of times. Now, with parents and kids holed up together 24/7 and everything from school to birthday parties taking place online, it’s even harder to know how to put limits on your child’s screen time. The screen time concerns and their effect on children’s health were there even before the COVID-19 pandemic took off. But are screens inherently…
Post Views: 1,205 Got a child that will happily have nothing but Milk and biscuits for a week? Worried about his nutritional status? Here are some signs your salad dodger is doing fine and a few tips for coping with fussy eaters. Mealtimes are the best moments to have an uninterrupted and peaceful time with children. But most often than not, meal times don’t turn out as planned, one day its clean plates and angel faces while other days are full of tantrums and half-filled tummies. Fussy eating is normal. Whether it’s an aversion to food that’s green or a vegetable that needs chewing or hatred for fruits in general.…
Common Challenges-kids, Common Challenges - Toddlers, Toilet Training-todd, What to Expect-Kids, What to Expect-todd
Post Views: 735 All children start life being unable to control their urine both by day and night and, as neurological maturation occurs, voluntary control of the bladder is gained first by day and then by night. Very few never gain control of the bladder unless there is an obvious neurological disease, including gross mental handicap. In most cases, bed wetting in children should be seen not as a disease but as a variation of the normal rate of neurological maturation. There are many children who continue to wet the bed past the age of six years. Statistics show that, in India, 7 – 16% of children (aged 5 to…