ASSAM – Poshan Maah – 28 Days, 28 States
Post Views: 3,082 Assam has an intriguing array of culinary jewels to offer to a quintessential foodie. Assamese food is focused on minimizing waste. The cuisine of Assam has a distinct flavour that is marked by Bengali influence and consists of a delicate taste that would make anyone go gaga thanks to the choicest herbs and fresh fruits and vegetables that are used in the dishes. Let’s have a look at some of the authentic dishes from the land of the Red Rivers and Blue Hills. KHAR: Khar is both an ingredient and the name of any dish prepared using it. The basic ingredient “Khar” is obtained by filtering out…
ARUNACHAL PRADESH – Poshan Maah – 28 Days, 28 States
Post Views: 4,782 Arunachal Pradesh food differs from tribe to tribe. As we move towards the eastern and Central side of Arunachal, people are dependent on bamboo and other leafy vegetables which are strictly boiled. Fried food is not very popular here as people like to eat either boiled or smoked food and towards the Western Sector, dairy products are more in use. Among the integration of the many states that make up India, Arunachal Pradesh boasts of a food culture that is more healthy and less fussy. Like most northeastern regions, the food here largely tends to be indigenous and exotic. Be it traditional spices or local ingredients, every…