Post Views: 793 Zinc is a mineral. It is an essential trace element as very small amounts of zinc are necessary for the human body. The human body cannot store excess zinc hence, it must be consumed regularly as part of the daily diet. Why is Zinc essential for the body? Zinc is the most abundant intracellular trace element. It has been estimated that a newborn child contains approximately 60 mg of zinc. During growth and maturation, the zinc concentration of the human body increases to approximately 30 mcg. The adult total body zinc content ranges from about 1.5 g in women to 2.5 g in men. Wound Healing: Zinc…
Vitamin A
Post Views: 1,343 Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and an essential nutrient for the human body. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble it is stored in the body’s fat tissue for later use. Vitamin A is a collective name for a group of fat-soluble compounds namely, retinol and retinyl esters (preformed vitamin A) and carotene (provitamin A). Preformed Vitamin A is mainly found in animal products, while carotene is found predominantly in plant foods. Why is Vitamin A essential for our body? Vitamin A is essential for vision, cell growth, immune function, and the development of the foetus. Vitamin A for eyes: Vitamin A is most vital for eye health…
Diet and Nutrition-preteen, Diet and Nutrition-teens, Nutrition Kids, Nutrition Toddlers, Nutrition, Nutrition-mom
Post Views: 489 Lack of concentration, absent-mindedness, being forgetful are some of the common memory problems that we encounter on a routine basis. This could be due to lack of sleep, level of physical activity, lifestyle and environmental factors, and also genetics. However, there’s no doubt that your diet also plays an important role in brain health. The diet that encourages good blood flow to the brain is considered the best menu for enhancing memory and brain function. The human brain is an energy-intensive organ, using around 20% of the total calories, so it needs good nutrition rich in good fats and vitamins to maintain concentration throughout the day. The…
Post Views: 248 Parents are often caught in a fix, how to have fun with kids while staying at home!!! An enthusiastic child locked indoors usually leads to tantrums or fits of rage due to boredom. All of this can lead to heavy dependency on screens and gadgets. Here are a few activities that can help you have some fun with your kids without stepping out. Don’t feel like stepping out of your bedroom? Pillows can be put to some good use rather than just a resting place for your head. Build a pretend fort or car or racetrack or dollhouse. Alternatively, can also use those cardboard…
Post Views: 388 Am I producing enough milk? Is my baby getting sufficient quantity? How are some moms able to pump more? It is normal to worry about your milk supply when you start breastfeeding. You are not alone! Most mothers worry about how much milk they are making and whether their baby is getting enough to meet their growing needs. Almost all women can produce a healthy supply of breast milk for their babies. When a mother does have a low milk supply, it is more likely due to a poor latch or not breastfeeding frequently than an actual low milk supply issue. For the baby to get a…
Post Views: 7,055 Empowering Men??? Yes, that’s right. I know most women out there would be shouting “They are already empowered since ages, why would you want to empower them?” Well, you are right. But empowering men, not in the conventional sense of giving more power to them. But to challenge old beliefs & practices, institutions and structures that drive inequality between men and women. While there has been considerable progress in empowering women, it is still a work in progress. We have adopted multiple ways for achieving the goal of gender equality by keeping women at the forefront and completely forgot the other half of the equation. Boys seem…
Common Challenges-kids, Common Challenges - Toddlers, Common challenges-Preteen, Common Challenges-Teenagers, Mini-Adults, What to Expect-Kids
Post Views: 526 We all believe in disciplining our kids. But the disciplinary method is just one aspect of the parent-child relationship. There are many other dimensions of parent behaviour that influence the child’s personality. Each parent has a distinct parenting style. S0me parents are loving and affectionate while some are hostile and rejecting and yet others, indifferent. Some parents are firm about rules, some are lax, and others are strict about them. By and large, the parenting style adopted by a parent is fairly stable over time and across situations. But this does not mean that the parent is inflexible. A parent who is usually strict about enforcing rules…
Post Views: 1,295 In India, the second wave of coronavirus has caused a surge in the number of daily cases. Most particularly, the mutant variant of SARS-CoV-2 (the B.1.1.7 and B.1.617) is infectious amongst children too – who have been largely spared during the first wave. As India went into unlock mode, schools around India and the world opened up, and everything seemed to go back to normal. Children who were locked up all year in their homes breathed a sigh of relief as they could play again in the company of their friends, visit malls, start sports coaching and enjoy the freedom of movement. But, with the second wave…
Mini-Adults, Kids, Pre-Teens, Tech Corner-kids, Tech Corner-preteen, Tech Corner-teens, Tech-Corner-todd, Teens, Toddler
Post Views: 677 With the second wave encompassing our lives, the pandemic seems far from over. This has caused a jump in our daily screen time as social distancing limits our ability to physically interact and connect with people. For many parents, screen time is a touchy subject even in the best of times. Now, with parents and kids holed up together 24/7 and everything from school to birthday parties taking place online, it’s even harder to know how to put limits on your child’s screen time. The screen time concerns and their effect on children’s health were there even before the COVID-19 pandemic took off. But are screens inherently…
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)
Post Views: 944 MIS-C or Multisystem-Inflammatory Syndrome is a rare complication of COVID-19 that could affect kids after they have recovered from the virus. In many cases, it could also turn fatal. Signs and symptoms of MIS-C in children include those below, though not all children have the same symptoms. Fever that lasts 24 hours or longer Vomiting Diarrhea Pain in the stomach Skin rash Feeling unusually tired Increased heart rate Rapid breathing Red eyes Redness/swelling of the lips and tongue Redness/swelling of hands or feet Headache, dizziness, or light-headedness Enlarged lymph nodes While the risk of developing MIS-C falls on the lower side, early diagnosis is crucial. The most…