Common Challenges-kids, Common Challenges - Toddlers, Common challenges-Preteen, Common Challenges-Teenagers, Mini-Adults, What to Expect-Kids
Post Views: 528 We all believe in disciplining our kids. But the disciplinary method is just one aspect of the parent-child relationship. There are many other dimensions of parent behaviour that influence the child’s personality. Each parent has a distinct parenting style. S0me parents are loving and affectionate while some are hostile and rejecting and yet others, indifferent. Some parents are firm about rules, some are lax, and others are strict about them. By and large, the parenting style adopted by a parent is fairly stable over time and across situations. But this does not mean that the parent is inflexible. A parent who is usually strict about enforcing rules…
Common Challenges-kids, Common Challenges - Toddlers, Common challenges-Preteen, Common Challenges-Teenagers, Mini-Adults
Post Views: 1,115
Common Challenges-kids, Common Challenges - Toddlers, Toilet Training-todd, What to Expect-Kids, What to Expect-todd
Post Views: 735 All children start life being unable to control their urine both by day and night and, as neurological maturation occurs, voluntary control of the bladder is gained first by day and then by night. Very few never gain control of the bladder unless there is an obvious neurological disease, including gross mental handicap. In most cases, bed wetting in children should be seen not as a disease but as a variation of the normal rate of neurological maturation. There are many children who continue to wet the bed past the age of six years. Statistics show that, in India, 7 – 16% of children (aged 5 to…